Season's Greetings to wishing you an Enchanting Xmas and holidays🤗💖
In Gratitude to you all for your presence, energy, Love and support during 2021
For all that we have shared, learned, traveled, healed, and grown
And all that is yet to unfold with more Joy and ease as we surrender to our flow
Let this holiday season be a time of Rest, Peace, Reflection and Adventure
Celebrating how far we have come, where we are now
As we prepare to journey forth into 2022 with new eyes, perspective, hope and faith
Keep Grounded, Stay fluid and Surrender to a new flow
Appreciate the Beauty and Magic unfolding as we focus with intention our dreams
Aligning to our true belief and feelings
Allowing serendipity, spontaneity and Magic
You are Creator of your new reality so Stay Sovereign
Knowing who you are, and ALL IS WELL
A Very Merry Xmas and a Brighter, Happier Magical New Year...it's all perspective!
From my heart to yours, may YOU always be blessed with Aroha and Joy
Stay Beautyful...Be EnJOY
This song is for you🙏😇💖
Marlon Williams, The Dhungala Children's Choir, Paul Kelly - Tapu Te Pō (O Holy Night)