Other Workshops
Alyse offered workshops at the NZ International Yoga Festival (Auckland), Voices of Sacred Earth Festival (Auckland), and The Little Yoga Festival (Tauranga) over the past few years

Grounding & Embodying Your Energy
During this workshop Alyse will share empowering exercises to assist you with an immediate deeper connection with Self. Understanding and interpreting your own energy into feelings and then experiencing how to adc knolwedge and transform them immediately. This is what is meant by "alignment and connection".
This experiential workshop will allow you to "sense and then know" what it is you are feeling. Grounding is foundation to any energy work, therefore, it's important to understand what that really means and what it actually feels like! Then life is just a flow of ease and Joy!
Live as a Multi-dimensional Being
Time follows Space…setting your personal energy and space for the day, breathing and aligning your values to ensure flow in your life. Watch life materialise with more spontaneity and magic. Using this simple breath and feeling technique to assist with bringing harmony and balance back immediately in times of emergencies, and challenging dynamics.
Witness how things become resolved in an effortless way. Experience connecting with your Higher Self and the Unity (Crystalline) Grid to assist with healing, enlightenment and alignment of divine values.
Want to Host Alyse?
Alyse is availabe and open to travel and facilitate workshops in your area, or to work with others to offer and blend into your Retreat or course, please contact her if you are interested in this collaboration.