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Writer's pictureAlyse Young

September 2024 - Allowing More...

Updated: Sep 20, 2024


Happy Sunday and Equinox...we are already mid-way Sept and I feel like I've been in a time warp and now emerging from my cocoon.  Everything is happening FAST, literally no time to think, thank God!  I AM MOVED, literally

Since my last visit to Auckland, I just received the news I needed to move by 18 Sept, the date got brought forward so it threw a spanner in the works as I wasn't quite prepared for it.

Nevertheless, Life Goes On, can't dwell on things that you can't change, just got to get into the flow.  It took me a couple of days to just be with the feelings of Uncertainty and NOT 

knowing where and how this would unfold. Just when you think, everything's in place and sweet...BOOM a push up the backside, don't get too comfortable. The vulnerability was real, and so I just ALLOWED myself to feel the feelings of insecurity, uncertainty and fear of WHAT NEXT? The reassuring things I always say to myself and my inner child... "No matter what is happening with us, I'm always here with you, I will never let anything bad happen to us, I got you, we are going through this together", and that settles my Being. Then comes the alignment, so that is the tricky one as it really is about tuning into what is my next step.  Often we are thrown into the linear thinking and this can feel discombobulating, when we drop into the Soul, ...and she says, "It's ALL Good",  so it has been a good reminder to do that on a daily basis  

I was asked to participate in a Breathwork session with Wessel a colleague-friend @The Space WIthin  who is in training.  I have not experienced a lot of Breathwork before, so this was something I was intrigued with, and I felt safe with Wessel.  I was expecting to be emotional etc, but it was nothing like that.  It was an intense but not overwhelming experience.

I could feel energy bearing down on me like I was being pressed out like toothpaste, quite uncomfortable, then I felt the urge to sound, sing and when I did, this ancient voice came out of me.  It also allowed the energy to move through the body, in fact I wondered if this is what giving birth feels like, as that is what I sensed?  Not having given birth before, I can only wonder?  This lasted for a long time, and then again, the build up of energy started again, and that's when Wessel started to sing with me.

At that moment I felt so supported, not that he wasn't supporting me in the process, but it was a sense of feeling supported by a masculine energy.  It was very sacred and ancient.  In Gratitude to Wessel for his innate skill and sensitivity, he will do very well as a facilitator.  It was a very expansive experience. And, afterwards I saw I had received a phone call from a friend, regarding accommodation at their property.   The alignment, On Time   I did not act on it til I came back to Kerikeri.  At first, I was hesitant, as in mind I had already created a story around this move, and there is a sense this may not be the place long term, however, I had to just allow myself to see beyond my expectations and projections.  And as always, I was guided to listen to a timely message by IMZAIA Group which touched a chord of truth (see link below - SEE YOU).  What I was being alerted to was that sometimes we need to move out of where we are and transition to a place where the alignment has more space to open up for new opportunities.   

There was a lot going on with my AK visit with family and my mother's b'day so I was preoccupied.  I had made the intention of NOT thinking about the move until I came back to Kerikeri so as not to be distracted and fragmented.  My time in Ak was busy but a good flow with family, friends, Shamanic Journeys and appointments.  It was with grace; and I'm glad I heeded my own advice, or it could have been quite chaotic. I was aware during the time with my mum, she was quite stressed by her sister's visit (with mild dementia); seeing her in her fragility, triggered her into having high expectations and creating more stress than needed.  At times it got a bit much, and I could really feel my shadow reacting from all the projections.   So when driving to my mum's place, I just allowed the Shadow to have its say...I did not try to stop or dissuade her in any way, I just witnessed the madness in my mind.

Afterwards, I just acknowledged, "Yes, this is how we feel, felt, and it's OK...But it's all changed now.  I'm in charge.  Jeanette will always be Jeanette. We can't change that, but I will stand up for you, I got you, we are loved, and we are safe together." When I arrived at mum's, she was a different person, sweet, kind and grateful for all the running around I was doing for her.  That is the power of owning your shadow, your projections...not making it wrong, just Allowing how you truly feel, only then the pattern of the energy with renewed perspective can change, shift, expand, heal.

Client Feedback

I am so honoured being privy to witnessing healing with my clients.  I'm receiving amazing feedback with the immediate shifts they have felt after their session.  NB: If you allow the consciousness in the session (the innerstanding), then energetically it's done, you will experience this immediately!  Here is feedback from a couple clients who were experiencing challenges with relationships: One really nice thing was I had a really beautiful healing conversation with, I guess my first love as a teenager here in New Zealand. We’ve always talked on and off over the years and after his mum passed away, we’d have little conversations when he needed to talk. On Saturday he said thank you for my support and we talked about our relationship as teenagers, and he shared lots of really lovely things about what impact I had on him then and that he’d only broken up with me as he was moving overseas and didn’t have a choice. It really helped the part of me that felt abandoned then. And showed me a different perspective to view things from. Just wanted to share that as I thought that was really special and another piece of healing my inner child.  Many thanks for your guidance in this transformative work " - Nicole, Auckland (Aug 2024) ..."Since our session on Friday I have felt a profound shift in my ability and willingness to speak for myself. The raging child is sleeping peacefully now. My whole state of being has shifted. I feel closer to something, me I suppose.  Have a beautiful day, thank you for helping me. " - Sarah, Auckland (Aug 2024)

Lately I'm seeing a lot of angst and expressions of Hatred, as a point of stuck emotions, especially with the heart.  To offer some clarity with these emotions; feelings;  and from what I observe is that people are afraid, embarrassed that they even have such deep hatred, anger and rage.  The first judgement is that it's not nice, or acceptable, that they could even harbour such strong feelings; it's not who they are or want to be or feel.  The fact is these feelings are present due to continued avoidance of true expression. 

If you allow these feelings to just Be, then the charge will actually temper down.  You are allowed to feel anger, rage and hatred - you are given a range of feelings to express; it's part of the colourful rainbow of feelings we have.  What one is not understanding is YOU are NOT the Feeling.   HATRED, the true feeling is "disempowerment", ie not knowing how to move beyond this judgement and this due to a conditioning you have accepted, therefore, not allowing true expression.

When you give a new meaning, perspective that hate is the point of disempowerment...the "allowing" becomes your point of "empowerment", taking back your power, ie allowing your feelings will give momentum for it to soften, subside as you receive yourself with Love and Compassion for the past situation. I trust this is helpful to whoever needs to read this.  Remember, you are not bad to feel hate, you are just feeling disempowered about the situation.



The Shamanic Journey, an opportunity to go deeper into your reconnection with your Soul and ALL That Is.

Journeying into your multiverse to the beat of the drum, honouring Mother Earth/Father Sky, the Elements, Directions and Seasons as your multidimensional Being meets with your Power Animals, Spirit Guides, receiving healing, recalibration and important messages from your Soul. Grounding is key, as we are awakening the Starseeds within, activating your multidimensional codes bringing your Being fully online.  We are being turned on more deeply and faster than ever. Can't wait to see who and what shows up this time!  Time to release your doubts and begin to truly embrace the totality of YOU and your experiences in a multidimensional way.

Three journeys in September - Limited spaces, reserve your place in your location now $35.  

KERIKERI  Sunday, 22 Sept (11:11am - 1pm) ,  Kerikeri - $35 prepaid (email  This beautyful Spring season, it is timely to hold the Shamanic Journeys at the River again.  This is an outdoor event, weather permitting.   If it is wet, I will inform you of an alternate indoor space.

AUCKLAND REGION  Sunday, 29 Sept @ 10.30am-12.30pm, @ Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay - $35 prepaid (email

Monday, 30 Sept @ 6.30am-8.30pm, The Space Within, Arkles Bay, Whangaporoa - Prepay online $35

Book direct via The Space Within:  


Private Sessions

One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) online nationwide or overseas - please enquire, BTW, I also facilitate land and home clearing if anyone needs this service, the shamanic practise of removing energy NOT belonging to you or in the space, please enquire.  I am now based in Kerikeri, however whilst in Auckland - dates 28 Sept - 3 Oct I will be available for private sessions, book in now

Monthly Subscription; a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions(20-40 mins) during the month and to assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. I have noticed, people who struggle with understanding new concepts, this has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option, giving them a sense of clarity and support to keep the momentum of change in their thoughts, feelings and patterns. Please enquire for the two options available.

Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.


TALK TO ME, available, limited copies so get your copy while stocks last (only 10 copies left now) For those who want to understand their shadow, and patterns of dysfunction, this will be a good source to start with. Learn more about energy, feelings and emotions, their inner child and a perspective of what it means to embody your spiritual and emotional understanding relating to your empowerment, sovereignty and expansion into your multidimensional Being.  Inner Child healing is modern day shamanism.  This is a practical guidebook with lots of examples of dialogue, perspectives. affirmations and visualisations.  I wrote this book because my clients asked me to!  $30 per copy + Postage.  It's helpful if you are ordering to say where the book is being sent to so I can check the price for postage.  Cheers


SOMETHING MORE An IMZAIA World video - "SEE YOU", channeled message by Admas St Germain - this is part of their "The Meaning of Life Virtual Seminar series, Netherlands. Lee Harris' September 2024 Energy Report - Animated Version Take a deeper look into the themes of the September #EnergyUpdate from Lee in this sketch done by our artist-in-residence Talia. Steve Wonder's new song - We Can Fix Our Nation's Broken Heart

This year is a potent year of Change, and this is happening swiftly and with relative grace if you have awareness to stay open, flexible, to yield to the changes that are coming up, to allow yourself to flow into the change with a new heart. The energies have been all about the heart and lungs, and to assist with the opening and recalibration of your heart, practise spinning your heart like the Merkaba, your heart is a vortex, not a pump.  The action of visualising the top part of the heart spinning to the right and the bottom part of the heart spinning to the left will create healing for the heart energetically. See video...

The world as we know, is collapsing around us, so it's important to embrace all your feelings (your point of empowerment) with renewed perspective.  This is what will bring you through into the New Earth energy (it's not outside of you, but inside of you).  We cannot take the old consciousness into the new world, simply because it is about frequencies.

Allowing to Let Go of the past, Allowing to flow into the new consciousness by trusting and surrendering to your highest needs will be met in a different way.  Grounding and discernment is key during these times. 

Keep grounding, recalibrate and Stay Beautyful...see you in the flow

Love and blessings

Alyse Young

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