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Oct/Nov 2021 - Embodiment, Sovereignty, FREEDOM

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young


WOW, what happened in Oct is still happening. I have been quiet due to the shifting of frequencies and allowing that to sift and shift me into the necessary alignment. October, was another PAUSE to life, as we in Kerikeri were put into Level 3, but now back in Level 2. This was matched with an intensity in tandem with all the new energies bursting thru thick and fast and continuing for the rest of this year. As much as it is inconvenient for our linear world, it is a necessary pause to truly go deeper into reflection, alignment of new choices and recalibration.

The inspiration to write and share anything earlier to this, was not ready, yet there was so much to say and yet, nothing to say. Staying as a witness to my own subconscious limiting voice from within, to just BEING present to it, is uncomfortable but necessary. It has been a reflective time to say the least, I was persuaded by my friend to sign up for a 5-week online course Creating Your Destiny, (William Whitecloud); and mostly I did to accompany my friend, and to better understand how people present online workshops. So my intention was for clarity, and clarity I have been receiving. It has been an experience of testing my own ability to just drop in and go deep with the exercises as a participant, feeling all the anxiety and doubt that others' encounter during a phase of new learning. I have always struggled with learning and uncomfortable with the usual suspects, "I'm not good enough, I'm not doing this right, what if I don't get it etc (LOL)." But once you get into the exercises, and experiential practises always land better for me, as it's natural to learn thru my "senses" also, to see what William's sharing is also in alignment to what I'm already sharing. It's just a different model, different language but it lands quite effortlessly. Good to know we are on the same page.

I am borrowing his statement, as it may just hit home for you; "You were born into the wrong path, this set you on a path of separation as you learned to be in your environment". I loved this statement because it's TRUE. He works with the Victim (inner child) and Superconsciousness (Essence child and your multi-dimensional Being). He affirms this statement so you feel supported in being allowed to let go of the path you think you need to be on, and to embark on your true journey; "Stay in Innocence, Express what is obvious, and then Make the rest up"... a simple formula, but a very powerful practise to bring you out of linearity and conditioning and then having the experience of expansion and infinite possibilities. I remember back in 2005 when the Psychic Children communicated a message to the world "Imagination is an important element to creation, as it means "image nation"". That's why children always have such great imagination. We as children did remember we were supposed to "imagine" our world into here we are again, Reset!

Are we AWAKE yet? We are well and truly into the SHIFT and everywhere around us, feelings of Fear, Anger and Disempowerment, Chaos etc. This is the distraction to keep us in separation, from our ourselves and others. It is SO IMPORTANT to stay in your "adult/witness" of what is arising in your Being as you witness what is happening, to sense how you are being triggered or challenged. Where are you focusing your energy on. Where you focus is where your energy goes. Do your alignment, to support a positive perspective. This is "image nation" we are all being urged to participate in, through our soul choice. We are all born Creators, however, to truly understand where you are creating from, one must pay attention to their emotional wellbeing! When you own your Creator energy, your own Greatness, everything shifts fast, immediately.

This current escalating climate of "separation" being created by our Govt, is a huge distraction and effectively masking our choices and freedom. It is an underhand tactic using fear to intimidate and through suggestion of. Understand you are "Live Being" and no-one has any authority or dominion over your life or body. This is your sacred vehicle in this life. Reclaim that Right now and erase, correct those beliefs you are still living your life from.

There are so many messages I want to share so it's been a bit of a PAUSE to understand which message is the most relevant for NOW. I received a message at the river near where I live. She gently reminded me..."When you stand in your Truth, you are walking into your Sovereignty and walking out of the Hologram." A point of perspective, when I lived in nature, I literally had nothing with me but the barest essentials, and, in those 3 years I was able to create what I needed effortlessly. This was my initiation into the multi-dimensional, so in essence, out of nothing, I had everything that I wished for. It showed up when I was in my alignment (Love, Joy and Beauty). I surprised many people with what I could manifest, solve and create just by staying focussed in that alignment. This is where humanity sits right now, many are being asked to let go, give up those things that represent security, comfort, convenience etc. We have been led down a merry path of being "taken care of" by someone outside of ourselves, we are not capable of creating. Only when you truly have nothing, then you are forced to "create" and that is magic in itself. To experience the pure joy and wonder of when it shows up, effortlessly. It is possible, but not until you shift your consciousness out of Fear and Lack. It's not hard, just different.

We must choose to believe in our dreams and stand for our heart and soul, this is how we embody the new consciousness NOW, this is what it means to be Sovereign, to know you could lose everything from the hologram, only to be free to start creating your new reality. This is a stretch of your imagination to acknowledge we are living in a hologram, with programming that has dictated our minds from the time of conception. We were born into the wrong path. As babies we remembered who we were and as we grew older with each year we started to forget in order to "fit in". And, this is the exact same dilemma we are facing in this time of history. I have always lived off the seat of my pants, so this time has not been comfortable, and much to my delight, I'm getting exactly everything I need now. When I think of the future, I can fall into worrying, but when bring my focus to now, then what I need shows up. Claim your Creator back, it's a new time, we don't know what it looks like, as wee are making it up, you are part of the architecture of the new world, so start refocusing, realign to that now and watch as your world starts to rebuild in a different way, effortlessly. Set your intention, do your alignment, surrender, have faith (don't worry about the details, that's what the Universe is supporting you with) and "feel the outcome". BINGO. This is the best time to start this if you haven't already. Surprise yourself!

One exercise we did as part of the course was to remember I was a STAR coming to Earth, and the purpose of the guided meditation was to help us connect with the feelings of when we first arrived into the mother's womb and then our younger years to an adult. In short, as soon as I landed in my mother's womb, I immediately had difficulty breathing and I could sense the feeling of needing to stay very small and insignificant, and then I got a clear vision that I was imprisoned, my mum's ribs were the bars of my cell. Interesting! Needless to say, I acknowledge my life path is about Freedom, which is why its is such an impactful time not just for me but the whole of humanity, especially here in NZ where we are experiencing tyrannical leadership. Never would I think we could experience this here in NZ, and it has been an insidious implementation in the last few years. When I arrived back in NZ, I was shocked to sense how much our foundational culture had changed, and I remember sensing NZer's didn't really know who they were anymore, and in all fairness this is now a global trend, a reidentification, we are not special but very much part of a chain reaction.

I also received intel a few weeks back,"Auckland is still in lockdown as it's the biggest percentage of population that can be controlled and influenced more easily, and then it will spread to the other centres". My friend to drove thru Auckland to come up to Waitangi for the Hikoi of Truth (detained 15 hrs by the police, even tho she had all the appropriate paperwork for this journey); and her story is one of Magic by staying Sovereign, I'm hoping she will share her story soon to encourage others to have courage, becos the Universe always has your back, as she experienced during that confronting moment", she noticed that there was grid be erected through the city. Her words, "it felt really creepy". What is coming may be showing up, however, important to remember, that we are designing and creating this future thru choices being made, or not! I also attended the Hikoi in Waitangi last Wed, it was not my intention to go, but the morning before I received a very strong push to go.

The event was really powerful, peaceful, humbling, joyful and uniting. Amazing to see around 2000 people at the Marae. An elder spoke about how his grandfather prophesied that 150 years later, the Rainbow Iwi would come together, that was last Wednesday. So grateful to be on this side of history, of people of all colour and creed gathering together on the Marae. It was indeed a powerful day of sharing important information of Truth, some disturbing to hear, but the Truth. There are many courageous warriors, going about peacefully to bring attention and awareness of justice to the fore. More power to these amazing souls, and for all who step up around them. As Sue Grey encouraged..."We must stand up and and step forward, for every step the Govt takes, the people take a step back. For every step forward someone takes, the Govt will step backwards. She expressed she often felt scared by the enormity of her projects, but her humanity will not allow the tyranny to continue, and as she started each project, she would find people calling her and offering to help. We do not have to understand the details of "how, where, who etc'' we just need to focus on an intention and allow the universe to bring it all to you, help, resources etc. It's the way magic works. You don't have to do this alone, there is help, so be open to receiving it in a synchronistic, serendipitous way. It's all the magic of the Universe, uniting thru a cause in LOVE and FREEDOM.

It's unlikely I will be visiting Auckland soon. My focus is here in the North where I will continue to facilitate workshops and see clients one-on-one in Kerikeri. I am available to see clients online as well, so please enquire if you would like an appointment. I'm aware of the level of fear, anxiety and instability people are feeling right now. Just know if this is you, then the "tension" you are sensing is a great opportunity for growth and healing. The new incoming energies are very intense, but they are also incredibly lending for healing in a fast and effortless way, if you surrender.

With this in mind, I am continuing to offer my Shamanic Journey and my 2-day event; A Soul's Journey & Living as a Multi-dimensional Being Workshop, giving important, simple and empowering tools for this Shift. It's not hard, just different. See details below for both events.

EVENTS IN NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2021 Shamanic Journey - Sunday, 22 August @ 11:11am, Kerikeri The next Shamanic Journey is on Sunday, 21 Nov @ 11:11am - 1pm, Yoga Studio, 3 Homestead Road, Kerikeri. An opportunity to re-experience your connection to the Soul and the All That Is - Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements, 4 directions, seasons and your multi-dimensional Being. Grounding, and resting to the beat of the heart drum, allows you to journey into your underworld or the upper worlds to meet with your power animals and/or spirit guides, receiving important messages of love and guidance, recalibration and healing. It's an amazing way to reconnect with yourself and your multi-verse. RSVP is essential, email; Spaces are limited and this is a prepaid event $30 per person to secure your booking. A Soul's journey & livinglife as a multi-dimensional being workshop This essential workshop is an important bridge in these changing times of new concepts for a new reality, living your Soul's journey in your Creator energy and as a Multi-dimensional Being. This is split over 2 days over 2 weeks to give time for integration. Day 1 (13 Nov) is learning what Energy is, sensing and interpreting your energy as feelings. A series of exercises to reconnect you to your Being, inner child, Soul and Higher Self. Day 2 (20 Nov) is understanding the concept, receiving activations and expansion of your energy as a Multi-dimensional Being.

An experiential workshop sharing practical, simple, empowering tools for change giving you a new point of perspective for these changed times; it's not hard, just different. If you are struggling with anxiety around these energetic times, I highly recommend this workshop as an opening for your way forward. This will give you a true perspective of how to Be with ease, understanding and JOY! This has also proved to be a workshop where some people "remember" who they really are, especially with the multi-dimensional aspects of themselves which is an important point of acknowledgement, where life starts to really make sense for their purpose here now. Includes vibrational sound mediation for recalibration. Limited spaces, Investment: $444.

Please enquire about the programme for the two days. If you are financially challenged, we can work something out, please enquire Private Sessions Please enquire about a private session either in person in Kerikeri. Also available online via Messenger or Skype for those out of town or overseas, please include your location in your enquiry.

Something Special - different perspectives to support you with BIG SHIFTs on your journey I always like to include some other sources of information to support this journey, giving a variety of perspectives that may not have heard or considered to alleviate any suffering or unnecessary fears.

This video conversation with Nicola Farmer and Todd Medina (Soulogy One Studios), gives an enlightening gentle reminder about "Remembering" sharing great knowledge, content and guidance. Worthy of a listen if you are finding it super challenging with yourself or your children. Some beautyful tips on how to communicate in an empathic way that nurtures compassion and understanding by engaging the "right brain - feminine" when asking questions. Nicola speaks with a soothing clarity and a direct confidence. She has a school (ICU) that supports children with their psychic remembrance.

Lee Harris; Embodying with Your Higher Self - in this video, Lee is channelling his guides, The Z's, a clear message of about connecting your Higher Self, a useful guide in these times. If you are not familiar with connecting to your Higher Self or Guides, then this will be very informative. "In the years to come, communication is going to be Key. Communication is one of the greatest powers on Earth right now, your ability to communicate to each other and what you are communicating to each other and your freedom to communicate with and to each other. Communication with your personal relationship, in relationships with others, and in your work is going to be an enormous part of the way you shift consciousness".

Something Special MORE - December Retreat

Practitioners Retreat, Doubtless Bay, Northland (3-6 December 2021)

47 State Highway 10, Coopers Beach;

I have been invited to facilitate this upcoming Practitioners Retreat, Coopers Beach, Northland, where I will be offering a Shamanic Journey to kick it off on Friday.

The theme for this Retreat is "Self Care", so come and join us for an amazing rest and replenish your spirit supported by a team of heart-centred practitioners during this fun weekend, including;

Shamanic Journey, Iyengar Yoga, Cacao Ceremony, Conscious Communication, Herbal Medicine, Meditation, Art Yoga,

Naturopathic Practices for Self-Care, Massage, Free Flow Dance,

Make new friends and connections, enjoy delicious food, ocean swims and sunset spas.

Private sessions with some of the practitioners will be available during the weekend.

See the attached brochure for more info of the programme, and booking details (see Earlybird options).

Limited spaces so book in now to ensure your Retreat spot. Contact Laura Rose 027 3241431

Thanks for making it to the end of this e-letter, I trust this has been informative and helpful. Those of you who take the time to respond, it's always lovely to hear from you and I greatly appreciate your comments. Keep grounding, Stay Sovereign and Do Choose your heart. We are living in changed times, and for this we need a different approach to life in order to thrive. It's not hard, just different and effortless.

Love and blessings🙏💕

Alyse Young

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