Greetings and Happy Independence Day, In the last month, the theme I have been witnessing is the feeling of "isolation" within ourselves and others. Personally, I had became aware I had been isolating an aspect of my senses, as I believed this was the best way to protect my feelings, was to detach which meant burying or being disconnected from my current reality. It was like "safe-keeping" for that feeling experience. I see this pattern of with others as well, and the truth is we continue to default into isolation, which then exacerbates feelings of disconnection, anxiety, loneliness as we do not consciously choose to reconnect with the feelings of the past, only because we did not know how to respond to those feelings. I was met by this concept during a random healing experience I was receiving and my friend remarked that at the back of my heart she could sense my inner child was in a prison, my ribs being the bars of the cage that I'd put her in. I immediately felt the "isolation" was not intentional, and yet there it was, the feeling of Isolation, distance, a deep loneliness, like I've always been witnessing life from afar, this was where it was coming from. There were so many feelings from abuse that I endured as a child, and yet many of them I have acknowledged and healed in the best way I knew how, and then, there is this one that was ready to be embraced. I could sense with clarity it was not one of trauma or even hurt, but this sense that I put this away as a form of safety, but it was a very lonely place. Acknowledging this I started on the journey of unlocking my Isolation and embracing that feeling of Isolation. Very quickly life showed up on how I was going to respond in situations where I would've run back into Isolation. My witness was present and strong, and ensuring the inner child, I was in charge of my body and me. Instead of running the story of yesteryear, I was aware to be in the present moment with each of my arising feelings, responding to them in kind, and seeing a completely different scenario unfold in front of me; one of support and care, from people around me...something big already shifted, my perceived awareness of people actually caring and looking out for my wellbeing where it wasn't present in the past. And, then a couple of days later, to be in the presence of one of my perpetrators and to observe myself as to how I was responding to him in that moment. Did I need to address the obvious past, or was it already done? I felt into this moment feeling my inner child standing in witness with me, and the sense of "it's done", there was no charge or thought, no need to speak, as the silence of compassion breathed into the space was no threat to myself or him. We see it for what it really is, it was indeed a different time. I did not feel threatened, weak or angry, (or probably more importantly, I didn't float out of my body), but just a deep sense of compassion, my inner child felt tall, proud and safe, knowing I was protecting her and listening to her feelings. I realised the power of projection and mirrors in this instance, that the story no longer had any hold over me on any level. I checked in with myself a few days following to see if I was tricking myself, and still to this day, I feel peaceful. Here's the thing, children are not revengeful, they just want to feel understood, accepted and finally, it was me accepting me in all of my experiences. I didn't abandon, reject or isolate myself in the moment, there was nothing to defend, just an openness of unconditional love. This is letting the story go. Within the days of this revelation, I was able to share this with clients, and I could sense the moment of their acknowledgement of where isolation sat with them. On the collective level, some are still in a state of emotional Isolation, due to the circumstances of the last two years, and it really has been a time where people were forced into going deeper into their state of wellbeing. I've been pleasantly surprised with the speed in the way people's awareness is kicking in. There is definitely a quickening happening, and even though the tools I have shared during the workshops were not specifically applied, something in the person's awareness was triggered into the space of "witnessing", and this in itself is very powerful for change. The fact they noticed a pause before "reacting" already made a kink of the undoing in the pattern. It's these little moments that count and are built upon. We have said June-July-Aug were intense, energetic months and that is true for myself. I can sense an underlying buzz of reconditioning in my brain. It's not painful, but there is a latent thickness happening. It's only started to come right in the last few days. This I sense is the rewiring of our synapses (thoughts), and I could be quite bold to suggest the activation of the pathway connecting the 3 centres, Pineal, Thymus and Solar Plexus, our multi-dimensional activation, where we are moving into deeper witnessing and expression with compassion. Last month I was in Auckland co-facilitating the Winter Solstice Reset with Marjolein of Yoga Roots. We did two sessions, both very different but powerful alignment for those who participated. It's always reassuring to witness this simple empowering formula, of the grounding, transformational Yoga, chanting and energy activations. Each time powerful and always different, just what is needed for the Reset. I also facilitated a Shamanic Journey, and this was probably the gentlest one of all. I could sense that all the attendees were swaddled like little babies around the room, and whilst playing the drum, it sounded more like a lullaby! A lot of healing, soothing and recalibration, many thanks to all those who participated in these session.s Planning in these times is such an interesting process, most of my plans have just changed, and probably will continue to as I even write this. I'm fully aware of the power of flow, and how quickly it can manifest if this is in alignment. Staying open and flexible in the moment and just tending to what is NOW, is the creation and building of new foundations for our future, which is changeable because sometimes, what we think we want, is not what we truly need. Move into adopting the idea that we are here for our growth, so there will always be change, as our soul is yearning for new and deeper experiences. EVENTS IN JULY Catchup Soul's Journey Gatherings Saturday, 9 July, Kerikeri (9am-12.30pm) The next gathering for attendees of the Soul Journey Workshops will be held in Kerikeri. This is an opportunity to come together with like-hearted souls to share and experience deeper healing as a group as well as putting to practise some of the tools. Also includes a Vibrational Sound Recalibration. These have been powerful sharing and cross healing in the space. $50 attendance, RSVP Essential. NB: For those who have completed the Soul's Journey Workshop, I encourage you to revisit your notes, especially for Day 2 as these tools are relevant NOW, and it will assist with a smooth transition into your ascension. It is this time! AND, if any past attendees in the Auckland area are interested in a Catchup Session, then please let me know and I can look at scheduling in my future visits. A Soul's Journey Living Your Life as a Multidimensional Being Workshop Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay, AUCKLAND - 15-16 JULY 2-day weekend workshop - Fri, 15 and Sat, 16 JULY (9am-5.30pm) My first opportunity to offer this in Auckland again. An important workshop giving practical tools for the change we are now experiencing. This is the year of embodiment and quantum changes in a new way. For many it's just a concept, however, the tools you will experience, when you practise them, you will start to see big changes in your life as you come more into your multidimensional self, claiming your sovereign being, mastery, power and your creator energy. It's all changed so be part of the change. This is all about reconnection learning how to navigate your sensory Being. Remember how to sense, flow and grow into your expansion. It's not hard, just different. This is the time we have all been waiting for, to Be who we were born to Be, this lifetime. Investment: $530 (Registration closes 9 July); Email me for a detailed programme for this 2-day intensive; email; If you are interested in experiencing this, to acquire simple, powerful tools to help you stay balanced. Payment plan available, please enquire. I will facilitate this workshop so long as I have a minimum of 2 people. The close-off date for registration is 9 July. SHAMANIC JOURNEY Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay, AUCKLAND - SUNDAY, 17 JULY (11AM-1PM) An opportunity to re-experience your connection to the Soul and the All That Is - Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements, 4 directions, seasons and your multi-dimensional Being. Grounding, and resting to the beat of the heart drum, allows you to journey into your underworld or the upper worlds to meet with your power animals and/or spirit guides, receiving important messages of love and guidance, recalibration and healing. It's an amazing way to reconnect with yourself and your multi-verse. I'm excited to share my new Unity Earth Drum at these journeys, held outside by the River. (as long as weather is co-operative, otherwise at another indoor venue TBA). RSVP essential, prepaid event $30 per person to secure your booking. Email; SUNDAY, 24 JULY (11AM-1PM), KERIKERI RSVP essential, prepaid event $30 per person to secure your booking. Email; PRIVATE SESSIONS One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) in Kerikeri or online nationwide or overseas - please enquire Monthly Subscription; I am offering a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions(20-40 mins) during the month and this will assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. This has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option. Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire. SOMETHING EXTRA FYI... My intention for including videos and other information is to widen perspective of this new time, and support you with the changes. For your contemplation. Kyron (Lee Carroll),A channelled message from Kyron, a timely reminder about the innate body, multidimensional Being, and importance of working with your beliefs, inner child etc. I realise that I have innately been using trigger points in our language, what I call vibrational language; it is using statements that are re-affirming, remembering who we really are and that releases and activates the dormant codes to our Being. SOULSPEAKS 5D Podcast with Todd Medina and Guest(s) share real life soul experiences and perspectives; This conversation with Nicola Farm (Australia) - there's a lot of confirmation about working with your inner child, this is an expanded perspective; that our inner child is the essence, wise aspect of our Being and not necessarily the wounded child, hat the wounded child is the adult! This is so true, seeing many being their wounded child in life. It is, as always, a very deep and timely conversation of the changes we are already in and moving into. This is a deep perspective and conversation about sacred union with Jelelle n Raphael Awen…and this will definitely widen your understanding of our behaviours, and how we are and can move into love relationships with a new perspective. If you are in the place of wanting to go deeper in your love relationships, then this is a great conversation, as they cover many obvious topics through their own experiences, as well as helping others in their relationships. We must be able to ask and ponder deeper emotions and with their compassionate understanding of the true soul purpose of where these limited expressions are coming from, to give a new space for expression and acceptance. Humbling. A Message from A Girl In The Universe HEAD PRESSURE? ANXIETY? BLURRY VISION? FLOATY FEELING? All of these are Ascension Symptoms of these energies coming in right now. These have massive energies rolling in this weekend, and they're not stopping anytime soon. You might feel these within your system as hit and roll right into YOU. We have solar energies that have been affected by the CME'S that continue to come in. We've had Interplanetary Shocks, cracks in our Magnetosphere Sphere alerts over the past 24 hours. What does that mean for you? Your ascension symptoms seem more intense. You might suddenly feel tired and need to lay down. Anxiety, depression as it clears your system. Hot or cold chills might be experienced. Full body clearing, which might include lower GI track clearing or even the spiritual flu like symptoms. Nostalgia overload. Old friends and past experiences are coming up to be seen and released. A beautiful vibrational high, or blissful feeling is occurring with these as well. These are just some of the symptoms associated with these energies, and the growing pains of your ascension. You will also be upgrading your system. These energies are connecting you to you in a way that is only available in this time with these energies! Rest, Hydrate, BE Much love and light, -SA Smith; Lee Harris' Energy Report Channeled messages from Lee's guides, The ZZZ's, always on point, this really sum things up for this month🤗 And on that note, thank you for staying til the end, I trust the information contained herein is helpful for your journey right now. I've been feeling it all, so I'm in the flow with the changes and with that comes more uncertainty. This has not been an easy e-letter to write this month, as so much is changing on the inner levels. One thing for certain, is that nothing is certain😆, so stay aware (focussed on Now), flexible and TRUST. Keep Grounding, and Stay Beautyful🦄 Always, Love and blessings Alyse Young
Alyse Young